Shadow Mask


Silk, polyester, ink, wool. 

As human beings, we all carry the weight of the lived experience, getting shaped and reshaped by compounded daily exposure to form both light and shadows within the soul. The relationships we have with our inner self can dictates our lives, manifesting in our behavior, the values we hold, and the people we love. The way we see ourselves inevitably affects our relationships with the external world, yet the priorities of our current society often focus on looking outwards towards innovations and advancements rather than to reflect inwards. As impressive as these new developments may be, it can become a distraction that allows one to maintain a blindness to oneself. 

As our identity takes form throughout our lives, how can we be active in how we shape ourselves? How do we navigate the subjectivity of our minds? What does it mean to belong to ourselves? I ponder these introspective questions of the self as congruent explorations of contentment and belonging. 

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